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RapidHost Limited

RapidHost is a professional Internet services company with proven expertise in developing, managing and hosting robust online solutions. With its extensive experience in database technology, this allows it to provide a service offering which has empowered hundreds of companies of all sizes to deliver digital content around the world.

RapidHost is highly experienced in delivering Internet applications across the full spectrum: from specialist niche applications, created in just a few developer-days, to major ongoing projects for leading global companies.

Specialists in hosting FileMaker databases (including RapidHost is equally capable of providing solutions on other major platforms. Its extensive service offering now extends through to fully personalised, digital content solutions in any format required by customers, including Microsoft Windows 2000, SQL Server and Access, MySQL, Linux, Mac OS and various Unix platforms. The development tools it uses to bring databases to the web range from Active Server Pagers, Coldfusion, PHP, CDML and the Lasso Web Data Engine.

RapidHost prides itself on excellent customer service. Always keen to have a one-on-one dialogue, every member of the RapidHost team is trained to always listen and question to ensure that the client's underlying business needs and objectives are fully understood. From there the friendly members of staff continue to work closely with the client to rapidly develop cost-effective Internet solutions that add real value to the business. Whatever the size or nature of your business and requirements, with RapidHost you know that you can rely on a fast, friendly, flexible service leading to an effective solution.


RapidHost Ltd
The Old Barrel Store

Brewery Courtyard
Draymans Lane

Tel: +44 (0) 1628-400650
Fax: +44 (0) 1628-891701

For further information please contact ICX

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