Road map for effective e-Commerce

Since its formation in 1996, ICX members
have collectively generated a mountain of material on all
aspects of legislation, security, technology, regulation and
business practice and have built this up as a veritable mine
of information in the form of electronic web based archives,
publications, reports and training material. The formation
of additional material by members continues.
Publications by ICX
Demonstrating Privacy
Compliance (about to be published)
Privacy Code Archive (members only)
Member News Archive (members only)
The ICX Privacy Code of Conduct
Barriers to e-Commerce
The commercial use of Cryptography (members only)
Conference papers
Events papers
Research Projects
Events and Conferences
Web Resources -- e-Forum
grew out of the ICX Secure Electronic Commerce Model (SECCOM)
initiative, a business model for understanding, planning and
implementing e-Commerce. This model was developed and prepared
as one of the key deliverables for the European Union's Fourth
Framework and provides a structure for building an Internet-based
knowledge resource. e-Forum is an practical on-line
guide where resources and information can be taken from the
web directly. (This facility is for members only)
Project Highlights
ICX is looking for partners to increase its work groups, developing
projects which will deliver worthwhile answers to the many
problems and barriers which face businesses wanting to move
into and profit from e-commerce. Some projects include the
ICX forms its first
National Chapter in the Thames Valley
Privacy Code of Conduct Workgroup
Barriers to e-Commerce
To find out more about any or other resource material:
Contact ICX