E-Communications Bill -- update

Breaking News
/ 02 September 1999
The next UK ICX conference will be on Thursday December 9
in Whitehall, London SW1. Two Government Ministers of State
are scheduled to speak: Patricia Hewitt MP from the
Department of Trade and Industry and Charles Clark MP
for the Home Office.
Also attending and speaking will be Nigel
Hickson from the DTI. The final programme is being completed
over the next few days and will be posted here.
Working title for the conference is: The
E-communications Bill: Helping British Business to Trade Securely
and with Confidence.
Patricia Hewitt will be telling the conference the results
of the Government's latest consultation process with business,
which will end on October 8. ICX understands that the final
E-Communications Bill will be presented to Parliament shortly
after December 9.
There are still speaker and sponsorship opportunities. More
information from ICX co-ordinator.
To register for The Third ICX Winter Conference
please contact: