Data Commissioner opened
first ICX Privacy Workshop
Speaking notes of Mr P.J. Hustinx
The Netherlands Data Commissioner
Mr. Chairman, Ladies & Gentlemen,
Many of you may have spent a lot of time
lately to get your organisations ready for the next millennium.
Now you are here - satisfied, confident or still a bit concerned
- and it is quite possible that you have not given much time
and thought to privacy in the next century.
Others may have spent considerable time
also in developing and improving a policy for your organisation
on how to deal with privacy, both in the real and the virtual
world, the area some like to refer to as "cyberspace"
because it seems to suggest "unlimited possibilities"
and "no rules" to be concerned about.
All of you may find this meeting useful.
It has been organised for the presentation of the ICX Privacy
Code of Conduct, an initiative of Shell Services International
and a number of other companies represented here.
As a European Data Protection Commissioner,
responsible in the Netherlands for monitoring our national
Data Protection Act, I also welcome this meeting - and the
same will apply to a number of colleagues here - even if in
the course of the day we would find that the Code of Conduct
could be improved on certain points to fully meet our expectations.
In that case, it would still be a valuable learning exercise.
And learning is one of the basic principles and cornerstones
of the new Information Society.
I think there are at least three answers
to the question "Why Privacy Matters". Let me briefly
describe them to you.
First answer - human right
The first answer is that privacy is - in this part of the
world - regarded as a basic human right, enshrined in international
conventions, national constitutions, tradition and culture.
And that is why national parliaments and international organisations
like the Council of Europe and the OECD, have developed legal
safeguards for the protection of privacy in connection with
the processing of personal data. In the European Union, this
has led to the adoption in October 1995 of a Directive to
harmonise national legislation in this field, and to provide
"a level playing field" for all activities which
increasingly relate to or depend on the processing of personal
information. The Directive and the national legislation provide
The legal framework within which responsible
companies do business and deliver their services. This is
relevant for business within the EU and for data flows to
third countries, since the Directive also deals with the existence
or non-existence of adequate levels of protection in those
third countries.
Second answer - personal concern
The second answer is that privacy matters to the persons concerned:
employees, consumers, patients or other people whose data
are collected, processed and used, with or without their knowledge
and consent. That is data about us, you and me, in the many
different roles we play in our lives, both at work and elsewhere.
Recent research both in Europe and in the US indicates that
people do care, even if they sometimes act otherwise, and
continue to care about the protection of their personal information.
The same research shows that this is particularly relevant
for the development of electronic commerce and for the use
of the Internet: how to secure "trust and confidence"
of consumers is one of the key areas of attention, not only
for privacy or data protection commissioners, but also for
businesses specialising in e-commerce and related services.
In other words: the great expectations of the Information
Society, both in a social and in an economic sense, depend
in part on the way in which these privacy issues are handled
and solved.
Third answer - good business sense
The third answer is therefore that it makes sense - also good
business sense - to deal with privacy as something that matters.
That means to take it serious, to invest in it, to deal with
it in a positive and pro-active way, to act as good corporate
citizens, and to develop good ways of "privacy governance".
I would like to see today's Code of Conduct as an example
of that approach and I intend to judge it accordingly.
Around the world, there are various ways
to approach the issues indicated here. However, in order to
be effective, any privacy policy should in my view contain
at least the following four elements.
Firstly, it is important to raise awareness
and to inform the public or the persons concerned about the
relevant issues and the ways to handle them, about their rights
and obligations, and the technical tools available to protect
the interests at stake. This should be a continuous effort,
not only for data protection authorities, but for all organisations
which decide to take this serious.
Secondly, it is important to have an appropriate legal framework.
In this part of the world, this means a national law which
is in line with the EU Directive on data protection. It is
obvious however, that codes of conduct have to play an important
role in bridging the gap between the general principles of
the law and the specific characteristics of each industrial
sector. This is also mentioned expressly in the EU Directive.
Thirdly, it is important to make the best possible use of
information technology. ICT is not only a source of privacy
problems, but also a source of solutions for these problems.
That is why the development and implementation of 'Privacy
Enhancing Technologies' (PET) should be stimulated as much
as possible.
Fourthly, it is important to make sure that
good intentions are put into practice and deliver the best
possible results. That is why we need mechanisms to measure
compliance and provide the necessary feedback. External audits
and other means of verification should come in here as parts
of a system for quality management and quality control. This
should raise further awareness in organisations and, ideally,
develop into a circular process of a more permanent nature.
Again, the key word here is 'learning'.
I welcome this meeting as a positive signal, in line with
that approach, and I wish you all sorts of success.
copyright December 1999 Mr. P.J. Hustinx and International
Commerce Exchange Ltd.

How to obtain a copy of the Privacy Code of Conduct:
ICX Privacy Code of Conduct is being constantly updated and
we are now working on revising the 18 Applicable Laws (15
EU countries and 3 EEA countries). If you have an interest
and would like to join the Work Group, please send an e-mail
to: info@icx.org.uk