World Internet
Research Project call
for proposals

FYI, the EU 8th call
for proposals under the IST programme calls is based on the
following goals, which fit in nicely with our research objectives:
- Encourage visionary high risk/long
term research in all Key Action II (New Methods of Work
and Electronic Commerce)areas;
- Prepare the ground for future large-scale
RTD activities under the next Framework Prog
- ramme (FP6) by bringing together
key actors to develop consensus on RTD challenges, their
roadmaps, constituencies and implementation models;
- Support activities to progress
the eEurope and eEurope+ initiatives in areas related to
Key Action II (New Methods of Work and Electronic Commerce)
In this fast-moving domain of IST
it is important to maintain a long-term perspective so as
to strengthen European leadership and to support activities
likely to lead to exploitable RTD results in 5 to 7 years.