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ICX plans first national chapter in Thames Valley

A number of specialist Internet consultancies are planning the first National UK-Chapter for ICX in the Thames Valley area, close to London.

Headed up by Ltd, Reading and London based Design and Internet consultancy, the founding group comprises companies with skills in Business, Finance, Law, Strategy, Architecture, Branding, Performance, Security, Hosting, Databases, CRM, CMS, PKI, Network, software and hardware solutions.

This group is the first to take advantage of ICX's achievements bringing together and forming workgroups around security and e-Commerce issues, and form a National Chapter.

UK-ICX plan to take the original focus of ICX on secure electronic commerce to a broader level and encompass complete e-commerce solutions from original concept to long-term deployment.

This is a direct response the needs of many businesses that the group have experienced separately, and now through UK-ICX, they will be able to provide co-ordinated advice and guidance. To begin with the workgroup are exploring following broad issues:

  • Shared marketing
  • Collaborate on objectives
  • Methods and processes in giving advice and guidance
  • The benefits of pooled resource management
  • Trusted referral services
  • Feasibility and benefits study on on-line brokerages
  • Building a directory of regional service providers

The group will publish its findings on regularly.

UK-ICX will be open to all -- and is already in discussion with other business, government and industry groups.

Please contact ICX for further details.



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