Benefits overview

supports its members through:
- Best Practice
- Conferences
- Seminars
- Workshops
- Referral services
between Members
- Networking between
- Consulting services
and special projects co-ordination
- Project management
In addition, the
ICX web site provides intelligent web help and information
broking in the form of articles and commentary.
ICX can provide a pathways for the development
of you or your business through mutually beneficial forums where
you can exchange or acquire knowledge, do business or simply
get to know others in this industry.
ICX brings all players and disciplines together
in a variety of ways - physical and virtual - in forums such
as: Conferences, seminars, workshops, networking events, newsletters,
directories, published material, CD-Roms and a vast library
of data collected over our 4 years of existence.
Specialist areas include:
- Industry initiated, pan-European standards,
guidelines and solutions
- Technical and legal guidelines
- Security infrastructures
- Consensus in the Electronic Marketplace
- Co-ordination of European Commission
project information
Members include: Shell, ICL, Sweden Post,
Arthur Andersen and several national Chambers of Commerce
as well as lots of smaller specialists consultancies. [view members
Benefits to Members 
Members are entitled to:
- Attend and vote at member meetings
- Receive and participate in all member
- Participate in any and all Membership
Groups as established by the ICX Board.
ICX offers its
members the following

ICX Events
- Meetings
- Seminars
- Conferences
ICX Workshops
- Participation
- Feedback
- Work-in-Progress
Access to ICX
communications services
- Members only web pages
- Email listservs
- Email redirectors
- ICX Members News Bulletin
- Conference and Workshop proceedings
Access to ICX
- Consultancy
- Reports
- Training Materials
- Guidelines
- Standards
- Codes of Practice
- Other Members
- Generous discounts to conferences
- Discounted literature and research documentation